Florida Cyber Charter Academy submits attendance records, grades, progress, and any other required documentation to the State Department of Education. | Documentation | Parents work directly with the local school district and the State Board of Education. Parents report grades, progress, and attendance, etc.
Tuition-free public education with award-winning curriculum. A virtual public school that can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection. | Curriculum | Parents purchase or create a state approved curriculum. |
Certified teachers provide synchronous (live) and asynchronous (recorded or written communication) instruction and support through a virtual classroom. | Teachers | Parents teach all the courses directly. No certified teachers available. |
Florida Cyber Charter Academy provides the required materials, which vary by course. Families are responsible for providing some common household materials (such as printer ink and paper). | Materials | Parents purchase all books and other materials they feel they need; this can be costly. |
Students log into the Online School Monday-Friday and complete the school program according to the school schedule and calendar. | Schedule | Parents teach the approved curriculum on their own time, within the annual time frame allotted by the state. |
Attendance is tracked every school day and truancy policies apply. Any absences the student may have must be reported to the school. | Attendance | Parents keep a portfolio of instructional hours or days of attendance each year. |
Florida Cyber Charter Academy provides students with several opportunities to socialize through clubs and school-wide events, both virtual and in-person. | Socialization | Parents find socialization opportunities available in their area, which may be limited. |
Our families have access to our Learning Coach community where families share their experiences and connect with one another. | Community | Parents seek out communities by themselves. |
Florida Cyber Charter Academy is dedicated to helping our families find the resources they want and need, from internet assistance to special programs. | Resources | Parents look up any resources they may need as they need it. |